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The images represent some of the prisoners interned at Camp Ashby. I have also included pictures of some of Erwin Rommels Afrika Korp during capture, processing, and working. Due to lack of information on the pictures I can not confirm all of these prisoners were held at Camp Ashby.
The images represent some of the prisoners interned at Camp Ashby. I have also included pictures of some of Erwin Rommels Afrika Korp during capture, processing, and working. Due to lack of information on the pictures I can not confirm all of these prisoners were held at Camp Ashby.
Afrika Korps
Capture of Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps
Signature arm band of the Afrika Korps
August "Gustav" Hagmayer
Gustav was a prisoner at Camp Ashby for nearly 2 years until his return to Germany in 1946.
August "Gustav" Hagmayer and two other prisoners
Prisoner of Camp Ashby
Karl Polletschek
Afrika Korps
These are prisoners of war from the African Campaign. They are not confirmed to be Camp Ashby prisoners.
Afrika Korps prisoners
These are not confirmed prisoners of Camp Ashby.
Camp Ashby Prisoner working
April 6, 1944 photograph of German POWs working at Weaver Fertilizer Company plant.
Camp Ashby Prisoners
Prisoners of Camp Ashby speaking with Military officials.
Camp Ashby Prisoners at the canteen
Camp Ashby Prisoners at the canteen
Willi Pusch former prisoner at Camp Ashby
Willi Pusch, former POW interned at Camp Ashby, returns to the site in the late 80’s nearly 40 years after his release. Pusch relays some of his fondest and hardest memories being a prisoner at Camp Ashby. Pusch also remembers his time as a soldier and what is was like going home after the war. In this article he describes his sadness about the fact Camp Ashby had been torn down due some of his happiest moments during the war were at the camp.
Willi Pusch Obituary
Obituary Translation:
In gratitude for all the love and care he has given us in his life, we take leave of our dear Father, Father-in-Law, and Grandpa.
Willi Pusch
October 8, 1926 - September 9, 2017
Daughter Anita Furlauf
Son Wolfgang Pusch with Christine
Granddaughter Melanie with Dominik
Grandson Max
The funeral service followed by the urn burial takes place on Friday October 6, 2017 at 1 pm in the Waldfriedhof Walk-Kraiburg.